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The Anatomy of a Successful Mobile Implementation


Anatomy of a Successful Mobile Implementation

What do you want to showcase at your next talent summit or present to your board of directors? Probably what I would want to show is a successful implementation of a mobile application with supporting metrics.  

Why did I choose a mobile strategy to share with everyone, you ask? Well, that's a great question, through my first mobile implementation, I wished I had a roadmap to walk through this adventure. 

My goal is to ease YOUR frustration, so you don't make the same mistakes as I did the first time. To make the process easier, I broke the mobile strategy into five parts to give you an epic formula for successful mobile implementation

We are going on a journey that will help you learn the steps of a steps of a successful mobile deployment. You and I will cover everything from my tried-and-true strategizing to post-rollout best practices. 

Step 1: Pre-Rollout Planning 

I quickly found out during my first dive into mobile deployment that I was missing a key ingredient. What key ingredient, you ask? That strategizing for each of the five stages was critical. We all make mistakes. My first mistake was the hardest learned—and the first I want you to learn.  

Strategizing is quite easy. Once I realized my first mistake, I mapped the stages of strategizing.  

Identify your stakeholders for the pilot group and building test cases. This misstep was an "I put the car into drive but forgot to push the gas pedal" moment. I'm assuming you don't want to make the same misstep, so you'll want to read my third installment: "How to Fly Your Pilot Group." 

No one wants to make a mistake, right? Training your end users is part of the roadmap to success. 
Dilbert says about DATA
Don't be like Dilbert and fumble the ball. Most of us have been in the middle of an executive update or board meeting and realized…well, honestly, we either a) don't have the metrics we need or b) the metrics we have are wrong. 

My roadmap includes defining YOUR metrics to measure YOUR successful deployment. 

I know, the word metrics alone can be nerve-wracking. You'll set criteria that support your overall learning strategy and define metrics for each phase of your rollout!  

already hear the question you're asking me now: Meghann, why do we need to define metrics for each phase? By defining metrics at each phase, you can quickly isolate and troubleshoot any issues on the spot. Trust me. It works. 

I always have a back-up plan, though, which includes metrics. If you need to pare down your scope of metrics, I suggest the following phases to get the biggest bang for your dollar. 

  • Trainingmetrics such as learner satisfaction and engagement with material. 
  • CommunicationEmployee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), responses, and feedback are popular industry metrics. 
  • User experience—daily, weekly, and monthly sessions of your mobile application. 
  • Contentinclude feedback surveys at the conclusion of each mobile content piece. 

Step 2: Mobile Content Curation 

In mnext blog of this series, "Supercharge Your Mobile Content," talk about what sort of contents to consider in designing mobile learning. My superpower specializes in tactical planning to ensure you always have a continuous supply of fresh content for your learners. 

Step 3: Communication Plan 

(Cue music: "Moves Like Jagger" 
You've got the overall strategy; you've got the mobile content. You've got the moves—so start communicating. will show you how to dance/waltz/tango or your choice or move through the  steps of a successful communication plan. 

Step 4: How to Fly Your Pilot Group 

Don't get this far into your plan and click your heels together like Dorothy wishing, "There's no place like home" because you have no idea what to do next. You and I will examine the basics of launching a pilot group. We will fly around, from choosing the right stakeholders to the actual launch of your pilot.  

Step 5: Debrief 

Once my strategy has been deployed, I hold a post-rollout debrief with the pilot group for their feedback. Depending on your organizational needs these can be held in-person or through a survey. 

Now what to do with the feedback? I will take the feedback and compare to the metrics that define your deployment as a success and determine phases which need improvement or changes. 

Look for my next part in the series: "Supercharge Your Mobile Content”– coming soon! 

Phenom eCloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider committed to empowering businesses to overcome challenges, enhance their workforce capabilities, and achieve superior outcome

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