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Why You Need Social Media Tools in Your Recruiting Platform

Social Media Tools in Your Recruiting Platform


It seems like just a blink of time ago we were excited because we could review résumés online instead of shuffling stacks of paper. Today we are recruiting in a multi-channel media and communications environment, using social media, and reviewing online profiles instead of résumés. Recruiting technology is growing up and leading the way to a candidate experience much different from the “don’t call us, we’ll call you” of a few years ago.

However, according to the Aberdeen Group, 60% of companies are in reactionary mode. They recruit only when there is an opening, and are not developing talent pipelines that lead to sourcing the best candidates. One of the reasons is reactionary thinking, but much of it is because they are using outdated technology that doesn’t give them the tools they need to operate in a social media world.

Talent technology vendors are responding to the demand in a big way. We now have the capability of providing a seamless experience where applicant tracking systems (ATS) are merging with candidate relationship management solutions (TRM) to make recruiting an all-encompassing social experience. We have reviewed the offerings of the top providers and recommendations from the Forrester Research Talent Aquisition Vendors report of September 2015 and identified what we believe are essential tools you should consider in your talent acquisition technology selection.

Here are the top ten new features we want you to have in your recruiting platform.

  1. An engaging candidate experience. Begin with a well-designed career website. Branding is important, and the website must deliver a compelling message about the company and its work environment. Include not only static content but video presentations by employees about working at the company. Include news about new benefits and employee programs.
  2. Mobile technology. According to Pew Research, 53% of 18-29-year-olds and 40% of all job seekers use their smartphones to search and apply for jobs, and the trend is rising rapidly. Standard website design resized for mobile will not give candidates the experience they seek. Mobile websites must be designed for small screens and the mobile touch-screen interface.
  3. Integrated social media tools. Maintaining a presence on many social media websites is a big job that can quickly overwhelm a recruiting staff. Leading vendors now provide the ability to post job announcements and marketing content directly to social media from their recruiting platforms.
  4. Online community management. In today’s environment of passive job seekers, top performing companies are creating online talent communities where recruiters can nurture potential candidates over the long term to develop a robust pipeline. They can be a powerful tool to keep people engaged who are ready but cannot make the move just yet or those who were not an exact fit for a position but have the qualities your company needs.
  5. A single platform for all your recruiting needs. Applicant tracking and candidate relationships, for the most part, are still separate technologies. Forrester reports that ATS and TRM on the same platform is emerging now, but the software should also include an easy transition to onboarding.
  6. Content marketing. Marketing tools for recruiting have arrived, using the same principles as content marketing for products and services. Email campaigns and social media marketing are helping recruiters build their communities, and these tools should be available in your recruiting platform.
  7. Predictive analytics. With the growth of big data analytics, tools are now available for you to be able to predict where you will find the best candidates for specific positions, but be cautious. Just as in product and services, traffic does not necessarily equate to candidates. Include quality of hire in your analysis.
  8. Flexible workflow. The conversation between recruiter and candidate can take any number of paths, and your workflow must be flexible enough to accommodate a change in direction.
  9. Pre-application assessments. One of the greatest recent developments for busy recruiters is the ability to screen out unqualified applicants before they apply. Validated assessments for skills and cultural fit up front can save a mountain of unnecessary work.
  10. Collaboration tools. For everyone involved in the process, visibility into candidate profiles, status, and selection is a must. Hiring managers should be involved from the very start, including the design of upfront skills assessments.

We hope this helps you get the most from your recruiting platform investment. If yours does not have all these features, we recommend you discuss them with your vendor to find out when they will be available. If you don’t get a satisfactory answer, it may be time to move on.


"Forrester Report: The Forrester Wave™: Talent Acquisition Vendors, Q3 2015." September 8, 2015. Accessed January 4, 2016. 

Lahey, Zach. "Talent Acquisition technology: Today, Tomorrow and Beyond" Aberdeen Group. May 1, 2015. Accessed January 4, 2016.

Smith, Aaron. "Searching for Work in the Digital Era." Pew Research Center. November 19, 2015. Accessed January 5, 2016. 


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