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Two Key Trends in Talent Recruiting in 2024

Two Key Trends in Talent Recruiting in 2024

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New HR technologies and methods have significantly improved traditional talent acquisition and alignment practices. Powerful AI-facilitated integrated HR platforms and ever-increasing data resources are essential for modern recruiters. New methods, such as skills-based talent management and alignment of talent to value, are further affecting HR process efficiency and approaches to candidate selection. Let's look at how understanding these new leading talent trends in 2024 can help your HR team meet recruiting and hiring challenges this year and beyond.

Broader social and economic shifts and employment market volatility drive rapid changes in the standard HR model. So, HR management needs much more than predictions based on a snapshot analysis of the current external business environment and unemployment data. More refined methodologies are required to plan for key recruiting and hiring stages.

But how can you implement the new skills-based recruiting and talent alignment methods to help planners anticipate their needs and make the best talent choices?

Skills-Based Approach to Hiring

The mega-recruiting site LinkedIn found that over 30% of US job listings in 2022 emphasized skills and responsibilities vs. the typical focus on qualifications and credentials. This trend has continued to grow in recent years. Harvard Business Review reported that from 2017 to 2019, employers decreased their degree requirements by 31% for high-level positions and 46% for mid-level jobs.

This data appears to reflect the HR industry's currently more skill-centered hiring philosophy going into 2024. The business sector appears to be growing into an employment arena in which candidates can succeed based on their potential vs. on the formal criteria for eligibility.

However, in many organizations, the traditional HR recruiting processes are still driven by certifications of academic and professional achievement and social referrals. Using this model often yields a generic workforce quality, unsuited for agile responsiveness and a collaborative culture of team commitment to creative solutions.

Optimizing Your Candidate Selection Process

So, what can HR professionals do to update recruiting methods that identify people with the best future potential in any role vs. only those with records of titles and formal credentials?

  • Rethink your job postings and modify job descriptions.
  • Avoid over-dependence on formal qualifications for determining potential success.
  • Create hiring criteria based on the results you want in the role.
  • Focus on the skills required to perform specific tasks.
  • Consider ways to accomplish the same outcomes without causing employment barriers.
  • Use assessment measures that validate the skills required.

Use your company's skills evaluations for positions, such as available soft skills assessments, including multiple in-person or online interviews and other ways to measure an ability that does not entirely depend on academics or years of former experience.

Develop a creative interview template that includes some unique questions that can help you test a candidate's level of aptitude and flexibility to process information and solve problems. Also, discuss employee development commitments with applicants to let them know your organization's perspective on workers' potential for growth with the company.

Non-degreed employees' longevity with a company is 34% longer on average than those with degrees, per LinkedIn's data reporting. Speculation on the reasons for this difference aside, there is an overarching point here for HR professionals that speaks to the attrition metrics.

Alignment of Talent to Value

Aligning your employees' skill sets to your organization's specific needs for each role increases your ability to attract, engage, and retain top talent. It's the most efficient way to cultivate a team culture of shared objectives and goals. Prioritizing the talent-to-value ratio in HR strategy serves to directly match the company's activities to its measurable outcomes in the value its team members deliver.

This alignment approach means identifying and developing employees' talents and potential to maximize the value of their contributions at any level of the organization. The transformative success of this model, of course, requires that the management team effectively motivate and develop employees. But, in the front-end process, it also means your HR recruiting specialists must know how to focus on the correct skill sets for every role throughout the enterprise.

Doing this effectively can save your business significant cost, time, and frustration among leaders and staff. However, aligning your talent to your business takes time and commitment of resources, too. It requires planning for maximum efficiency and productivity of the process and consistent execution across a collaborative HR team.

To get new hires with skills, experience, and strong potential, use this fresh approach to finding and hiring better-qualified candidates for specific responsibilities. The focus should be on ensuring that your people are engaged and satisfied in their assigned roles. Recognizing this as a management priority helps workers function together more effectively in pursuing the company's goals, which they then see as mutual goals.

Benefits of Talent Alignment with Business Goals

Aligning talent with your business goals and strategic plans can help you achieve objectives and goals more efficiently and reduce costly turnover. It fosters the development of a workplace culture where everyone on the team is engaged and feels that their leaders value their work.

Working in that environment further makes it much easier for people to visualize how their role fits into the company and contributes meaningfully to its success. Aligning talent with your goals also means that management can:

  • Create a more effective plan for growth.
  • Better anticipate issues before they occur.
  • Identify opportunities to improve performance.
  • Promote from within more profitably.
  • Reduce turnover costs.
  • Evaluating current staff compared to teams built using the updated hiring model to validate your effectiveness.
  • Help workers discover new opportunities.
  • Inspire a greater sense of loyalty.

When employees know you value their contributions, they're more likely to become more engaged and develop a sense of personal investment in the company's success.

Aligning business goals with employees' skill sets and role responsibilities also helps strengthen workers' sense of accountability. Team members are individually, as well as collectively, held to account for their deadlines, quality of production, and performance. This approach can increase productivity and instill a greater sense of loyalty because workers can feel like a part of a team with common goals instead of waiting to run out the clock each day.

Integrating These Talent Trends in 2024

Implementing the skills-based hiring method means that you consider former job titles and academic records side-by-side with alternative evidence of applicable strengths. Such evidence can include information from interviews, various hard and soft skills tests, other formal assessments, industry certifications, and professional endorsements.

Employers who emphasize skills in their recruiting and hiring processes are effectively expanding their pools of viable candidates for each opening. This means they have increased their company's power to appeal to high-quality workers for roles that are hard to fill.

Of course, after onboarding, your managers must keep employees engaged. That means your leaders should cultivate a culture of helping talented people further develop their skills and pursue their long-term career interests. Align your training and development systems with the organization's strategic plans so that workers will increase skills and knowledge useful in their roles.

To achieve talent alignment across your workforce, prioritize developing a team of people who all feel respected and are confident that their contributions are valuable. That means ensuring that everyone is heard and feels encouraged to speak up to help resolve issues. Cultivate a collaborative work environment with effective communication between departments and between workers and management.

Leading Your HR Team to Success in 2024

HR leaders can do more these days to meet C-suite expectations and, ultimately, affect the customer satisfaction rates upon which the company's success entirely depends. The recruiting concepts we've discussed for your team are two increasingly popular ways to improve performance in a well-equipped and organized HR department.

Naturally, HR professionals must apply many considerations, techniques, and tools for sustained success in the competitive employment market of 2024. Skill-based hiring and alignment, even combined, aren't the entire answer. However, they are two important additions to the strategic toolset for HR planners preparing to pull out all stops to optimize their groups' processes.

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Phenom eCloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider committed to empowering businesses to overcome challenges, enhance their workforce capabilities, and achieve superior outcomes.

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