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Stock photo Image styles and effects in E-learning Design


Elearning Challenge - Stock photo Image styles and effects in E-learning Design

An e-learning course is called “the best”,  when it engages learners to achieve the learning goals. As visual design plays a major role in gripping the learners, our quest is to find new design approaches to offer learners, fresh learning experiences. 

We can create a better visual appeal every time we go beyond using the standard course design templates available. We need to experiment with different styles and effects while designing a course. Whatever new will help to engage, but we should also use our creative capabilities to make things even brighter.

One of the e-learning challenges is, to come up with a sample using different stock photo styles and effects. This initiates creative thinking and helps us realize what we can do while using stock photos in e-learning courses. We’ve come up with one where we used some of the stock photo styles and effects.

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