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Enhance the Power of Sumtotal Learning with Customizable News Pages

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The most powerful feature in SumTotal Learn is the customizable news content area. It enables you to provide personalized news and information to users unique to their organization, domain, or active user mode. It creates many possibilities to enhance the user experience for learners, their managers, and business leaders. Begin by improving the learner experience.

Enhance the Learner Experience

There are many ways to create an engaging learner experience. First, use motivational tools in News Pages like progress bars, leaderboards, and achievement badges to engage users. These simple displays encourage learners to learn and increase completion rates for optional learning activities.

Second, provide information that is valuable to your people. You can the news feeds to include information about self-development programs, up-skilling opportunities, and specialized industry news. Links to learning resources and other useful information can also be helpful.

Third, use the power of social learning by providing access to social learning tools, such as learning communities on your intranet or private LinkedIn groups.

Monitor Learning Activities

Next, explore how information can make it easier for managers to support employee development. An essential part of motivational leadership is knowing how people are progressing in their development activities. Learning progress displays for the team and each member will help a manager know where to focus development efforts.

You can also help managers by providing completions, certification status, or any other useful compliance metrics.

Now, let’s expand on the idea of metrics to see how we can use advanced analytics to improve business results.

Create a Learning Analytics Dashboard

One of the enhancements most desired by SumTotal customers is a customizable analytics dashboard. The easy customization of News Pages makes it possible.

Using SumTotal Advanced Reporting enables you to create graphical charts that provide actionable insights into learning performance and its impact on the business. We can display multiple analytical widgets in an interactive dashboard, and let users decide which widgets are important to them.

Here are some examples of the real-time data we can provide for business leaders and managers.

  • Monitor completion of certification and compliance training and drill down to isolate problem areas
  • Display the impact of various modes and methods on learning retention, and
  • Analyze workforce readiness. This enables executives to track vital information like progress on ramping up for new product lines.

Your Turn

These are only a few of the benefits of building enhancements in the SumTotal customizable News Pages. There may be many other ways you can use this feature to improve your business. If you think of an idea that might help others, leave a comment to let our readers know about it.

Pixentia is a full-service technology company dedicated to helping clients solve business problems, improve the capability of their people, and achieve better results

Sumtotal news page guide

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