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E-learning interaction to identify differences


Elearning challenge_Elearning challenge 14_Elearning interaction to identify differences_cover_12 august

Here’s a small interaction with two similar but different images enabling learners to identify the odd objects in one within the given time.

Identifying differences is an important aspect in product knowledge training where learners have to note differences between two versions of the same product. This will enable them to explain the latest releases and how advanced they are in relation to the earlier products while interacting with customers.

How can we help learners identify key differences in a specific area or between two different products while learning online?

With a simple click and reveal interaction, and a drag and drop to place differences together.

This is also helpful to note the changes in a place before and after a process or an event. 

Elearning challenge_Elearning challenge 14_Elearning interaction to identify differences_CTA resource_12 aug Phenom eCloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider committed to empowering businesses to overcome challenges, enhance their workforce capabilities, and achieve superior outcomes.

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