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5 Symptoms of a Broken LMS and What to Do About It


A robust learning management system is a valuable tool. Not only can it help you manage and deliver training, but it can also make your workforce more engaged and productive.

If you find you’ve outgrown your old outdated LMS, it might be time to update your learning technology. The learning ecosystem has undergone seismic shifts in how it enables people to grow their knowledge and skills to improve business results.

Here are five symptoms that your LMS needs modernization:

1. You can’t upgrade.

If your business has grown and your LMS can’t keep up, you may find you need to upgrade to remain competitive. You may have grown from a single location to many, or you may be planning to globalize your business. You may find that upgrading is an expensive proposition fraught with risk.

Cloud-Based LMS

The way vendors deliver learning applications has changed. Almost all LMS applications are cloud-based, and the business model of software-as-a-service (SaaS) means frequent updates and upgrades are included in the service subscription.

On_premise__Web_based_LMS-1.jpg                                                                     Source: “LMS Industry User Research Report.” Capterra, April 8 2015                                                                                                  

2. Your people don’t use it.

Ours is now a connected world, and people have become accustomed to simple, easy-to-use applications at home and on their portable devices. If using your LMS is a step back in time, you may want to upgrade.

Personalized Learning Portals

Personalized learning portals that motivate people have replaced clunky, hard to use interfaces.

  • Portal home pages display news and information relevant to the user.
  • Personalized learning paths, achievement badges, and progress indicators show them their learning progress, including progress towards career goals.
  • Personalized dashboards provide executives and managers instant access to business intelligence.

Although classroom learning still has a place, new ways of learning have overtaken the business world.

New Learning Methods

People learn best in short bursts, with the knowledge tied to a specific challenge or need. On-demand video has become the most popular delivery method, and the new concept of gamification is proving to be very effective.

Gamification applies game-play mechanics and techniques to learning. The human needs for status and achievement are used to motivate people to expand their knowledge and skills. Feedback techniques are making learning fun, rewarding, and more effective.

3. It’s not connected.

The internet has become a vast learning library, and over a billion people use it to acquire information on topics from how to bake cookies to quantum mechanics. People are accustomed to accessing knowledge anytime with any device.  Companies are tapping this vast resource, curating web content instead of creating it and saving time and money.

Social Learning

A learning management system also connects people with each other. Through participative and collaborative learning, people create communities that solve business problems and improve performance across the organization. Forward-looking companies have begun to foster Communities of Practice both formal and informal that address real business problems.

4. It’s not helping your leaders run the business.

Assessing organizational competencies and how to grow them are vital to business success. Executives need to know what the state of the workforce is now, what it needs to be in the future, and how they can upskill the workforce to be competitive. If your LMS isn’t delivering actionable business intelligence, it is time for a change.

Business Analytics

New Technology helps evaluate the impact of learning on people and profits. If your current LMS isn’t helping you demonstrate ROI on learning and assessing the business impact, you might want to be thinking about improving that capability.

5. It is not extensible.

Companies who extend learning to their customers are more competitive and profitable. Consumer information and user training has become an integral part of the customer experience. Customers with a positive customer experience spend more.

Extending Learning to Partners

Extending learning to partners, resellers, franchisees, and distribution channels is proving to be a distinct competitive advantage. Well-informed partners sell more and serve their customers better. Companies who extend LMS applications to their partners have a 33% higher customer retention rate. And when your extended LMS is the go-to resource for product information you will have a distinct advantage.

Hundreds of Choices for Any Budget

There are hundreds of robust, scalable solutions on the market today, and you are sure to find a solution and meet your needs and your budget. Check out our 10 steps to finding the right LMS for your business to see how you can get started on evaluating your needs.

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