PhenomᵉCloud Insights

What to Look for in Workday® 26 Payroll

Written by PEC | Mar 2, 2016 12:38:38 PM

It has been nearly a decade since Workday® launched Payroll, and the enhancements and fixes we see in the upcoming Workday® release 26 reflect a robust, mature platform. Most of the changes we see are aimed at dealing with ever more complex government programs and taxation, enhancing the user experience, and fine tuning recent innovations.

We are reviewing the impact of the enhancements and fixes, and we want to give you highlights and some of the things to look for in Workday® 26 Payroll.

The largest group of changes is enhancements for year-end processes and reporting for the 2015 tax year, mostly Canadian RL-1 and RL-2 reports. There are also fixes for the Canadian T4, including suppression of the T4 when a worker has zero earnings. Employees are now able to view and print their RL-2 slip for the 2015 tax year.

Several check printing issues have been resolved. Workday® corrected a number of errors, including errors in Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools. 

The ongoing effort to bring USA state tax into Workday® instead of linking out to forms on state websites continues with addition of Mississippi and Georgia.

Absence management will be easier. For employees, the self-service request form now suppresses the end date field until the beginning date is entered. For administrators, you can now display carryover amounts forfeited in custom reports.

We will be reviewing the other features of Workday® 26 over the next couple of weeks. Sign up for our blog to catch the latest news and tips.


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