PhenomᵉCloud Insights

Sustain learning momentum with SumTotal social

Written by PEC | Oct 24, 2024 4:20:14 PM

August 28’s Lunch and Learn session  at our headquarters  in Irving ,  Texas  gave attendees  and the people who watch online  a detailed look into  SumTotal Social ,  the  platform s  collaborative learning  tool .  

Kalagara, our chief implementation consultant, discussed how SumTotal customers can enable collaborative learning for everyone in their organizations, to build and sustain ongoing conversations about learning and performance. 

Here are a few of the critical points from Sasi’s presentation: 

Enabling Social 

Administrators enables Social for entire organization from single checkbox on the Social Settings Administration pageIt is a global setting that enables Social for the entire organization so people in different parts of the organization can learn together. 

Social Integration  

You can enable integration with Yammer to use its collaboration functions and apps in learning. This capability makes it possible to engage in collaborative learning beyond those activities led by an instructor or facilitator. (As of this writing, Social does not integrate with other third-party collaboration platforms.) 

For example, you could create a Community of Practice in Yammer and use the integration to learn together through SumTotal. The integration also makes collaborative learning easy for workgroups and project teams. 


You can enable gamification in social so participants can earn points, badges, and levels for their contributions to group learning, such as starting discussions, uploading files, and publishing blog posts. 

Driving Collaboration 

Social learning is not about technology. It embodies the conversations, collaboration, and co-learning the technology enables. The presentation explained this using the seven Cs of social learningwhich are a guide to implementing and supporting a robust collaborative environment

  • Content: Before you enable and launch social, will need to be sure you have knowledge-based assets for people to access. You won’t want them to log in to an empty environment. 
  • Consumption: Enable content consumption by making it referenceable, searchable, and reusable. 
  • Contribution: Encourage user-generated content by contributing and reward contributors through gamification and announcements.
  • Conversation: Encourage conversation with comments on new user-generated content. 
  • Collaboration: Provide learning content on collaboration and solicit comments on successful collaborative efforts. 
  • Connections: Encourage users to make connections with each other and show them the numbers as their networks grow.
  • Control: Use a light touch, creating only the rules necessary to maintain your organization’s standards. 

Impact on Your Organization 

Watch the 30-minute recording to learn more about the benefits of social learning and collaboration. 

  • See examples of scenarios and use cases for social learning you can put it to work in your organization. 
  • Learn about the value of social learning in improving learning effectiveness, increasing employee productivity, enhancing ROI in L&D, and reducing workforce attrition. 
  • Explore the challenges you may encounter during your implementation, including cultural barriers, trust issues, and governance. 
  • Learn about the role of L&D in social learning, which may be more active than you might think. 
  • Get tips for making your social learning rollout a success.

You can watch a recording of the full session by clicking on the play button above. 

Phenom eCloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider committed to empowering businesses to overcome challenges, enhance their workforce capabilities, and achieve superior outcome