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Market and Promote Learning in SumTotal 19.3 with QR Codes


Market and Promote Learning in SumTotal 19.3 with QR Codes_1
One of the most important roles of L&D — that of enablers and facilitators — recently got easier with the release of SumTotal 19.3. 
The application assigns a Quick Response (QR) code to every mobile-enabled learning. 

QR Codes in SumTotal 

Learners scan the codes using the camera on a mobile device to launch learning activities immediately on the device. This capability reduces the “friction” in the learning process to deliver learning and performance support to a mobile device. It also provides a streamlined way to market learning to your workforce. 

But wait a minute — wasn’t the QR Code declared dead years ago? 

A few years ago, it seemed so. Engineers at Denso Wave (owned by Toyota Group) had developed the QR Code in 1994 because they wanted a scanning code that could be read from any angle. They were successful, but consumers didn’t jump on it. 

The technology wasn’t ready. Most people didn’t have smartphones. If they did, they had to download an app and figure out how to use it. They had to get the camera positioned just right, only to find that the website the code pointed to wasn’t optimized for their devices. 

The Rebirth of QR Codes 

It wasn’t until 2015 that QR Codes started gaining ground. Snapchat launched QR-based Snapcodes to make it easy for users to follow their friends. Amazon, Googleand Instagram followed soon after. 

It wasn’t until 2017 that QR technology got a boost from IOS 11, which enabled iPhone cameras to handle the codes without a 3rd party app. Android 9.0 introduced that capability in August 2018. Now, every major mobile device natively reads and launches QR Codes. 

In the lost days of QR, the app download was the first pain point in using QR codes. We remember trying to get it to work and giving up in frustration. Now, all your users need to do is tap on the camera icon, point the camera at the code, and tap the popup permission to launch an activity. 

That means it will be much easier for you to get your learning offerings in front of your users. 

  • Embed the codes in any notification or message. 
  • Place them in web pages and social media posts. 
  • Use them in mobile portals and landing page to link directly to new offerings. 

Adoption Isn’t Automatic 

QR Codes are now commonplace in social apps, retail, and payment systems like PayPal, but you probably have people who gave up on QR codes long ago. Getting them to try again may take effort. You will need to publicize the new capability and show them how easy it is to do. 

You’re going to get a lot of help. Today, QR Codes are everywhere. 

Phenom eCloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider committed to empowering businesses to overcome challenges, enhance their workforce capabilities, and achieve superior outcome.

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