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Is ILT Administration Bogging You Down?

Is ILT Administration Bogging You Down

Even with the rapid growth of online e-learning, Instructor-led training still prevails. 

LinkedIn�??s Workplace Learning Trends Report 2018 found that many organizations prefer ILT as a crucial training resource. The percentage of organizations doing it has grown from 78% in 2017 to 85% in 2018.  

CLO 2018 Learning State of the Industry reported that over 23% of organizations plan to increase spending on ILT, but the satisfaction level of attendees at Instructor-led classes has dropped from 45% in 2017 to 43% in 2018. 

Engaging your learners is not an easy beast to tame, especially when you are spending so much time handling the administration �?? time you could be spending on creating a memorable event. 

As experienced instructors ourselves, we feel your pain. 

Manually tracking attendees�?? check in and check out time, gathering all the data and updating rosters is time-consuming and fraught with error. And when you try to gather all the paperwork together to enter data and create reports, it seems at least one piece of paper has always gone missing. 

Last-minute registrations and walk-ins can be a hassle, and so is begging for people to help when you are planning a large event. 

You don�??t have to work that way anymore. Event automation has become affordable and easy.  

How automation streamlines your ILT management and administration  

Automation can help you streamline much of your manual ILT administration from setting up sessions to tracking attendance, reporting, and communications. 

You can spend your time on the core activities of the class like instruction, practical learning tasks, and engaging learners, instead of administrivia. 

  • Use mobile scanning to eliminate paper rosters and manual check-in. 
  • Bring all communications, tasks and attendance tracking into one easy to use application.   
  • Share class collaterals and documents with any attendee or group. 
  • Generate passes for Mobile Wallet, Mobile pass, other digital passes users can use for check-in and check-out.  
  • Provide branded name tents or badges.  
  • Facilitate social learning by encouraging collaborating 

If your LMS doesn�??t handle ILT the way you want it, there are many providers who can help you with an app to manage your events. Don�??t let paperwork get in the way of learning engagement. 

Employee Event Management with Chasma Event

Manage your ILTs like a Pro with Chasma Event 

Chasma Event is a mobile event management app that automates your manual ILT tasks like attendance tracking, manual sign-in sheets, and data entry - and it integrates with any LMS or LRS. 

Let Chasma Event handle your ILT drudgery while you focus on instruction. 

Chasma Place, is an independent source for solutions that will help you keep pace with changes in the way your people work without ripping and replacing your existing systems

Is ILT Administration Bogging You Down?

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