PhenomᵉCloud Insights

How You Can Get Instant Operational Insights in Workday???�Reporting

Written by PEC | Feb 27, 2018 6:00:00 AM

Even though we are in the digital age and companies all over the world are using advanced analytics, almost all of business intelligence for day-to-day operations is operational reporting.

But without a robust library of reporting tools that deliver real-time actionable information, 88% of businesses still use spreadsheets to get the information they need. That was one of the key findings in a recent IFS study on enterprise software usability transformation. The report flatly states, �??ERP means Excel Runs Production.�?�[1]

Over the past few years, human capital management vendors have made a push to embed reporting tools in their applications, but they are just that �?? tools. Building a library of reports and dashboards that give you instant insights into your operations is a do-it-yourself project. This presents some difficult challenges for many businesses.

  • Workday?? delivers reports, but they are rows and columns of data, and many people just download the data into spreadsheets so they can make sense of it. Workday?? composite Reporting gives you the tools to create visual reports and dashboards. You can do some amazing things if your team has the skills. Even then, getting your reporting up to speed takes time.
  • If you have resources, you can deploy a business intelligence platform in a few months.

Your business can�??t wait. You need access right now to the information that will help you make the right operational, tactical, and strategic decisions.

That�??s why we�??ve extended Chasma Analytics to Workday?? human capital management.

Chasma Analytics provides preconfigured visualizations and dashboards, so you stop manipulating tabular reports or wrangling spreadsheets to analyze your operations. These visual reports give you instant insights and visibility into details without waiting for long development cycles.

Get the advantage of rapid deployment of business intelligence that can help you get the most from your Workday?? human capital management.

Contact us for a demo.

Chasma Place is an independent source for solutions that will help you keep pace with changes in the way your people work without ripping and replacing your existing systems.


1. Rathman, Charles. �??Enterprise Software Usability and Digital Transformation." October 2017.