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Did you miss our lunch and learn session on SumTotal Learn Analytics?

Written by PEC | Oct 24, 2024 6:05:09 PM

Sasi Kalagara , head of Pixentia’s Professional Services, presented a lunch and learn session at our Irving headquarters on May 29, 2019. The topic was SumTotal Learn Analytics.

Analytics has become essential to learning and development programs in the digital age. Despite the fearmongering about artificial intelligence taking away jobs, most jobs are not disappearing but adapting to our digital world. Re-skilling the workforce has become one of business’s top priorities. 

Recent advances in analytics, including Experience API, make it possible to develop multi-layered analysis of learner behavior and how learning delivery modes affect learning and retention. Experience API, or xAPI, enables companies to capture data on any type of learning, including off-line instruction and social learning. Learning developers can get vital insights into what works best. 

Managing reporting and analytics has never been more important for learning and development leaders and their organizations. Business leaders are placing a high priority on information to measure the impact of their learning programs on workforce capabilities. 

In the learning session, Sasi presented on reports governance, report management, visualizations and best practices. 

On reports governance, the session covered report naming conventions and catalog structure. As reporting libraries grow, governance becomes vital to keeping them organized and structured to make it easy for managers and executives to find information they need quickly. Attendees learned about how to create a naming taxonomy to make organization easier. 

Training on report management included things to consider when scheduling and distributing reports including minimizing server loads. The session also emphasized the need to create dashboards to make information  available to decision-makers.

Information about visualizations covered how to aggregate the correct information for groups of users to give them a complete picture of their business unit learning activities. It also covered how to choose the right visualization from the components available in the reporting engine. 

When discussing best practices, information included creating reports in Jasper Studiothe design and development of dashboards, how to create drill down reports so users can analyze details. 

You can watch a recording of the full session by clicking on the play button above. 


Phenom eCloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider committed to empowering businesses to overcome challenges, enhance their workforce capabilities, and achieve superior outcome