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Attract Top Talent with Personalized SumTotal Learning Experience



This is a time of great disruption in learning and development in the enterprise. Businesses are replacing costly and ineffective traditional enterprise learning methods in favor of blended learning, micro-learning, and mobile technology.

At the same time, the pace of change is accelerating. Skill requirements are changing so fast that by the time a college graduate completes a degree, much of the graduates’ technical knowledge is being superseded by new methods. Most analysts agree that the industry leaders in the future will be the companies that make constant learning an integral part of daily work.

Today’s workers want to learn, and for many job-seekers, developmental opportunity is often the most important requirement when talented people are selecting an employer. If an organization wants to attract and retain talented people, they must give them the opportunity to learn and grow.

The Personalization Challenge

The challenge for L&D leaders is to provide an engaging, personalized learning experience for every learner in the enterprise: employees, partners, and contractors – but what is personalization?

Whether your business is in consumer markets or B2B, personalization is a fundamental marketing strategy. It is fundamental because it works. If you shop online, you know it well because it works on you. Marketers are able to analyze what you do online and tailor your individual experience to your needs.

SumTotal learning management system also provides some personalization features with development plans and curriculum paths. The LMS platform also provides news pages that you can configure for groups of people by job, organization, and role. Those tools are useful, but you can do more.

Personalized News Pages

The news page feature gives you the maximum opportunity to make your LMS a consumer-grade personal experience. It is a blank HTML page, which means you can do almost anything which you can do with a web page. The possibilities are limitless.

  • For learners, you could present a personalized learning dashboard with progress indicators, achievement badges, and the ability to challenge other learners and collaborate with them. Make subject matter experts the leaders of online learning communities using tools in your intranet or private groups on social media sites.
  • For administrators, a catalogue of quick reference guides, collaboration with other administrators, and direct access to the SumTotal online community would be useful.
  • For executives, a personalized dashboard can display workforce learning progress and status, cost breakdowns, financial impact of learning programs, or any other insights.
  • The news page is also a good place to create a custom widgets for any business purpose related to your organization learning and performance.

We hope this gives you an idea of how you can use your news pages to engage your people in constant learning. Making learning a part of everyday work will go a long way toward making your organization the employer of choice.

Phenom eCloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider committed to empowering businesses to overcome challenges, enhance their workforce capabilities, and achieve superior outcome

Sumtotal news page guide

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