PhenomᵉCloud Insights

Are you ready for SumTotal 18.2?

Written by PhenomᵉCloud | Jun 21, 2018 5:00:00 AM

The SumTotal 18.2 release is coming with exciting features every L&D pro has been waiting for �??new features for learner-centric design, mobile-friendly learning, and support for social and collaborative learning. 

Here's how SumTotal 18.2 update can engage your learners and elevate your enterprise learning ecosystem. 

Focus on Learner-centric design and learner's choice of learning 

The update presents content in a Netflix-style design, with multi-modal content that invites your learners to choose their favorite's learning style.  

Along with Percipio's content services, it offers learners a fresh content experience. 

  • Engages learners with personalized learning playlists and a bespoke design. 
  • Fills competency gaps with content discovery and provides short bursts of relevant content that fits your learners busy schedules 
  • Offers flexibility for users to choose their own learning styles 

Mobile-friendly design to engage learners on the go 

SumTotal has a mobile-first design strategy that ensures the new learning and social experience is optimised for small screens. The app is available for Apple, Android, and Microsoft's including Surface and Windows 10 Laptops. 

Social functionality to facilitate collaborative learning 

SumTotal Social allows your learners to build communities, post blogs, discuss learning, and share files. It further supports the BYOS approach and is also planning integrations with Teams and Slack to build on the existing integration with Yammer. 

Flexible extended enterprise learning tools  

SumTotal has enhanced its extended enterprise learning tools with email marketing support to grow your training revenue. 

  • Greater flexibility in how you package and bundle your content to create a holistic learning experience. 
  • Payment options support a virtual currency in the form of tokens.  

Accurate processing of employee time and attendance  

SumTotal 18.2 brings you a redesigned and updated rule engine for accurate processing employee time, attendance, scheduling, and absence management. With a drag and drop design and enhanced sequencing of rules and rule sets it, helps you deploy customer self-service improvements faster

compliance training and LMS infrastructure 

SumTotal 18.2 offers you a smooth path to design your curriculum, assign it to various groups, to better manage credits and compliance reporting.   

Getting Ready for the Update?  

A little preparation can help you make the most of the update. Here are some suggestions to help you get ready.  

  • Understand the new functionality and document it.    
  • Create a project plan. Maintain checklists for all tasks.  
  • Prioritize your focus and ensure there is enough coverage for critical functionality.  
  • Maintain a testing log and track the status of every bug and fix.  
  • Assemble the right team (discuss team characteristics, who should do what)        

As always, if you have questions, please contact us.   

Chasma Place, is an independent source for solutions that will help you keep pace with changes in the way your people work without ripping and replacing your existing systems