Buckle up. Digital change is going to get faster—and it'll require a new leadership mindset.
When we dig into history, we find that digitization began in the mid-20th century, but it was slow. Change was an upheaval that happened every few years. Today, the pace of change is speeding up—it's now so fast we call it a transformation—and it's constant.
Customers drive the change, and their expectations have never been higher. They have become connected and informed technology users, and they expect the companies that serve them to lead the way. According to Salesforce, 70% of consumers say that new technologies make switching easier, and we know that most of them will switch if they have even one disappointing experience.
Whether they are consumers, businesses, or governments, customers expect the companies they do business with to keep on innovating. Your employees have the same expectations. As a result, you may look at your current technology to see if there are better ways to do business. You might even think it's time to make a change.
We advise caution. Consider your leadership mindset before you set the wheels in motion.
Over the past 23 years, we have seen many struggles. Years ago, part of the problem was that the new cloud vendors and their partners often pushed all the change management thinking and planning onto their new customers. It was only when their customer satisfaction feedback began telling them what was going on that they changed that practice.
Another issue was that many implementers asked customers to analyze how they did business and configure their new software to duplicate it. Many still do it that way. That way of thinking doesn't help your team prepare for the future. Consider how you'll serve customers next month, next year, and three or more years from now and how you can adapt to changing expectations.
Before the implementation, we need to step outside our comfort zones and consider the impact of change on our organization and processes.
MIT Sloan Management Review surveyed 4,394 global leaders and followed it with executive interviews and focus groups of emerging next-gen leaders. Their results give us reason to be concerned. Only 12% of respondents strongly agree that their companies are building robust leadership pipelines; only 10% feel that their organizations have leaders with the right skills to thrive in the digital economy (Figure 1).
These results show us that digital transformation is about more than just technology. To transform the business and the workforce, we, as leaders, must transform ourselves.
The immediate and ongoing future requires a fresh approach to organizational design, corporate culture, talent management structure, and related processes. HR must lead digital transformation efforts by leading the organization's leaders.
A new breed of digitally savvy, data-driven, creative leaders is coming. Many of them are already in positions of responsibility. HR's next best move is to show hide-bound, command-and-control leaders how to work with and leverage that new mindset.
Motivating traditional managers to become digitally savvy leaders who can leverage the capabilities of creative, data-driven people is a process that requires a change in mindset. We suggest the following roadmap for driving this change:
Following these steps will help leaders who still practice traditional methods gradually shift towards becoming digital-oriented leaders by using the creative inputs necessary to propel growth. Leadership transformation is a thousand times more critical than your next technology. Transformation is about to touch everything you do. So, prepare the way for your next digital move, so you can invest in technology that will grow with you.
Phenom eCloud is a comprehensive technology solutions provider committed to empowering businesses to overcome challenges, enhance their workforce capabilities, and achieve superior outcomes