Congratulations! You convinced your CFO and CEO that implementing a cloud-based LMS would save money, and it's already working. They are loving it.
But It won’t be long until the reduced cost is the norm, and your executive team will be looking for your next initiative. If you have been managing learning for more than a week, you already know what you need to do.
Prove your impact on the business.
We have been talking about measuring business impact for several years, but most companies have not made much progress. Industry leaders are showing the way, and we predict exponential growth in the future as CLOs, CHROs and CIOs collaborate on delivering business value.
It might be simpler than we think. The online tools you now have to create instant online assessments make proving your case easier than ever. Let’s review ways you can deliver tangible benefits and demonstrate how you affect top line results.
Improve training effectiveness by getting your SMEs involved in development. Reach out to them to have them evaluate training relevance in detail. Make them part of the training development team as you accelerate learning with video shorts, gamification and user curation.
Whether you build or buy your learning or do a mix of both, demand quality. In today’s fast-moving business world there is no time for ineffective content. Be merciless in your quality control.
Before you spend your resources on designing training, find out if it is available from a vendor. You will share the cost with the vendor’s other customers and lower your net outlay.
Learning applications have become information-gathering hubs.You have the ability to capture user behavior in many ways, and will be able to know which resources are being used and which are not. Knowing what needs your attention has become easier than ever.
Delivering good training is becoming easier, but user feedback will still be the mainstay of quality assurance. Conduct user testing and redesign based on the feedback. Test again, and keep at it until you have a quality product.
You need a learning culture to keep your top performers. Given the resources, they will train themselves. There are millions of training resources available on demand, and your LMS has the capability for your learning leaders to curate good content.
There’s a bonus: learning leaders love to share, and they will have an impact on the performance of other people.
Provide opportunities for people to interact. People love to share their knowledge, and social tools in your LMS will enable your people to get answers when they need them.
Learning applications have become information-gathering hubs.
Further Reading
3 ways to Measure Training Effectivenesss
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